I believe reading materials that contain spiritual information and forms of self help books are the one key in raising ones level of consciousness. Our mind is connected to the Universal GOD mind. What we allow to get into our subconsciousness mind will help to control our destiny. When reading these types of books one should allow their feelings and emotions to absorb the words.
Dear ones, you must do the work to reprogram your subconscious mind. You are the total sum of all you hear, see, say and feel. Many of us have years of negative programming. So by reading, affirming, meditating and praying you can change your program.
I am giving you a list of books that were a great help to me. Here is my suggested reading list - click book icon to view:
"Spiritual Economics" by Eric Butterworth "The Universe is Calling" by Eric Butterworth
This is about applying Spiritual law for true prosperity. The Universe is Calling is a new perception of truth; a new
According to Charles Filmore, "It is a sin to be poor". penetration vision of new thought. This book is the religion of
Jesus; not the religion about Jesus. Learn the Secrets Jesus
"The Yoga Of Jesus" by Paramahansa Yogananda "The Magic of Believing" by Claude M. Bristol
This book offers startling ideas about the deeper meaning The Magic of Believing gave me the encourgement and support
of Jesus' teachings and our essential unity with yoga, one that I needed. It shows in a very simple but persuasive way how
of the world's oldest and systematic religious paths to the laws of suggestion can be used to improve effectiveness in
achieving oneness with GOD. Have you ever wondered everything we do. It unlocked my potential to believe in myself
what happened to the three wise men that visited Jesus and gave me whole arsenal of techniques for developing and
when he was born. Get this book and find out Jesus' sustaining that belief.
journey to the east.
"The Greatest Salesman in the World" by Og Mandino "Ask and it is Given" by Ester and Jerry Hicks
This is a manual for all who are motivated to want to live Plain and simple, this is one of the most powerful books I have
at a higher level. I was overwhelmed by this book. It is ever read. One's entire life can change because of what is
without a doubt, one of the greatest and most touching found here. All is given with such love. This book is a life treasure.
stories I have ever read. It is so good there are two actions
you must take, first you must not lay it down until you have
finished it; and secondly, every individual who sells
anything must read it.
"More Power To You" by Charles Roth "Healing Mist" (Healing Words for the World)
No matter what has you have been through previously by Johnetta Crumpley
This book will teach you that the past does not exist A compact 20 page photo/poetry book filled with positive
for you anymore. You can erase the ugly parts of your words created from the divine within helping those reading
life; the same way you would erase a chalk board transform all of humanity creating peace, love, and complete
"Jonathan Livingston Seagull" by Richard Bach "Three Magic Words" by U.S. Andrsen This is must read book for all new thought student. This is a very spiritual book. Please follow the reading instruction
This book explain the experience you may have of this book and do the meditation after each chapter. Once you
on your spiritual journey. Many people close to have been expolsed to the three magic words in this book, your
you may not understand the path you have chosen; Life will never be the same. Please take the time to email me
and that ok. Johnathan will give you inspiration to fly once you have completed the book. I would love to hear your
higher so you can experience more. reaction to a happier new life!
More Suggested readings will be posted, stay tuned.
The 'Suggested Readings" list of books are in no affiliation with or endorsed by 'The Holistic Ministry'. These are suggested referenced materials of individual choice.